Did you know that one in five of the world’s 2000 largest publicly listed companies have now committed to a ‘NET ZERO’ emission target — which means that by the year 2050 they’ll be close to reaching the milestone of ‘zero emission’ and can offset the remaining? While such targets are inspiring to hear, the common question that arises is, “Where to start from?”
Allow us to answer that for you.
It is a widely known fact that the transportation sector accounts for being one of the major contributors to CO2 emissions. A large number of employees cover long distances on the road to do their jobs. On an average field forces spend 40% of their time travelling to client locations- making them a major contributor to vehicle emission. It must be pretty clear by now that the bigger area of concern is the vehicles running on fossil fuel energy (particularly diesel)– this is where you must start with. Most people underestimate the benefit of ‘more efficient vehicles’. There are numerous pieces of research that demonstrate the ill effects of poorly maintained vehicles and driver behaviors on the environment. There’s a large window for enterprises to look into these details that are critical to meeting energy security and climate protection goals.
Let’s take a look at a few here:

Studies have shown that Overspeeding has led to increased fuel consumption. Complying to traffic speed limits and keeping the speed indicator within the ‘economical’ range effectively reduces fuel consumption. Over speeding can be monitored by setting a speed limit with an aim of improving safety and environmental consciousness.

While many of us understand smoke emissions from vehicles and factories as the primary cause of air pollution, the particles released due to braking have proven to be even more harmful to the environment and the human lungs. Recent researches have shown that up to 55% of roadside traffic pollution comprises non-exhaust particles, 20% of which comes from brake dust. Brake dust comprises fine iron particles released due to the abrasion between the iron brake rotor and the brake pads. There are various measures such as regular cleaning of wheels, installing brake dust shields, regular inspection of brakes, and using high-quality brake pads which can effectively help reduce the particulate matter released by braking.

This is perhaps the most important of the above two mentioned factors. Right from checking if the damaged vehicle gas cap has been replaced with regular oil changes, fuel filters. Simply replacing a dirty air filter can improve a car’s mileage nearly by 10%. It is an obvious fact that any vehicle’s engine running efficiently is bound to reduce pollution. And there’s more- did you know that just maintaining the correct tyre pressure could improve the fuel efficiency by 3%
While you might already be aware of all these aspects, are you sure you have the manpower to check all boxes to minimize your company’s carbon footprint? One thing to notice here is that these three determinants are codependent on the driving behaviour and maintenance of the vehicle. Undoubtedly driving behaviour can be the largest potential contribution to fuel efficiency– in turn leading to reducing the overall carbon footprint of your company.
SafetyConnect is designed to monitor the smooth journey of your employees on the roads. The AI-based app identifies and registers ill driving behaviours like harsh acceleration, overspeeding, harsh braking, near misses, etc.
How does the SafetyConnect Road Safety Application help?
The gamified mobile application makes it easier to get real-time feedback on unsafe driving behaviour. Moreover, the app provides insightful and actionable data on each driver, region, geography, and driving behaviour trend- further reducing the risk of your employee’s safety on the road.
SafetyConnect makes it easier to comprehend and compare the instances of violations. The constant evaluation of the driver’s performance has a physiological impact on the drivers. They are further motivated to do a better job the next time. The algorithm rewards good driving behaviour making every ride an opportunity for drivers to improve their score and earn points and rewards. With the help of technologically advanced tools like the SafetyConnect road safety app, your organization can stay committed to making a positive environmental impact and move one step closer to achieving your “Zero Harm” goal.