Did you know that over 2.3 million workers die every year due to an occupational injury or disease?
What is plant safety, and why is it important?
Before diving into the five tips for plant safety, you must understand the meaning and the need behind plant safety. Plant safety refers to nothing but ensuring that all the employees and visitors at the plant are safe and healthy. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), along with the 2.3 million deaths per year, over 313 million workers worldwide are involved in accidents that are not as fatal but prone to cause serious injuries or absence from work. These statistics indicate that over 6,400 people die from occupational accidents or illnesses every day. To reduce these incidents, ensuring plant safety should be an essential aim for any enterprise, irrespective of its size, type, or nature of the operation.
When an enterprise's requirements for success are considered, more often than not, a plant's safety is not the first thing that comes to mind. The workers make a business successful, and ensuring plant safety with a CAPA quality plan keeps the workers safe and productive. Every aspect of safety leans towards efficiency, whether training to operate and maintain high-level machines or keeping an orderly and clean workplace.
How can you ensure that the employees are safe at the plant?
Here are the five safety measures that your enterprise can implement to reduce accidents and ensure safety at your plant.
1. Continuous Safety-Oriented Training to promote safety culture
It is possible to create a safe working atmosphere through routine counseling and campaigns. Ensure everyone has received proper CAPA quality training relating to the hazards of the job. The training warrants that each employee takes an active role in maintaining plant safety. You can also use effective Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) management plant safety software to help build a viable safety culture through effective management of corrective and preventative actions at the appropriate time. It keeps a record of all incidents.
2. Regular Risk Assessments
Regular Building and Machinery Safety Checks are crucial for any enterprise's safety process. It is also necessary to monitor numerous other aspects, such as ensuring that the employees are using the right equipment or even using the right equipment correctly. Researching the problem is just as important as analyzing the solution to address underlying issues. A plant safety software will help you identify real-time problem areas and address them effectively to reduce accidents.
3. Clean and Organized Plant
Most tasks are delayed about 70% of the time in an unorganized plant. This delay leads to an increase in accidents by 20%. An organized plant will effectively drive actions to closure without any incidents. Also, implementing a digitalized safety program will enhance efficiency by reducing the need for manual interventions. Maintaining an orderly workplace is vital, but ensuring a clean, debris-free workplace is equally crucial as poor housekeeping can lead to severe health and safety hazards at the workplace as well.
4. Scheduled tasks for effective communication within the enterprise
Scheduled tasks effectively help all the people of the enterprise understand their responsibilities. Effective communication will also encourage employees to speak up and be active in safety planning and cultivate a safety standard in the enterprise. Human resource heads frequently battle to keep up engagement with field representatives. But with the help of SafetyConnect's gamified approach, you will be able to improve worker engagement by about 20%. Our ATS software makes this task easy by assigning activities to team members and managing them using email notifications. We even have an Action board that helps design your workflow and overview all the actions.
5. Implement Safety Measures
Along with plant safety software, safety measures need to be reinforced at every opportunity, such as training, meetings, supervisions, etc. Following these measures can ensure safety at your plant and help reduce various medical expenses and insurance premiums as well. After all, if the number of accidents increases, the cost of insurance premiums is bound to increase too.
How can SafetyConnect help your enterprise with plant safety?
Enterprises need to safeguard their workers as well as protect the environment. Complete safety cannot be accomplished just with data and algorithms. We at SafetyConnect, believe it requires continuous involvement, interaction, prevention, and protection. We aim to create incident-free roads and accident-free workplaces with our easy-to-use technology by building digital solutions to accomplish significant levels of safety for our clients.
As a leading telematics company, SafetyConnect is already helping numerous large and small enterprises through its Driver Safety App and Action Tracking System. Our one-of-a-kind solution can help all EHS heads lower hazards at the workplace and easily monitor employee behaviour. You can request a free demo today to learn more about our CAPA management software or ATS.